Car For Sale

car for sale

New City Municipal Code Ordinance

Coronado, CA - (December 2, 2009) Beginning December 3, 2009 it will be unlawful to park a vehicle for sale on designated streets within the city of Coronado. However, the police department will provide a 30-day warning period to allow the public to become familiar with this new ordinance. During the 30 day period, warnings will be issued to first time violators, repeat violations will result is citations and or impounding. After the 30 day period, violators will be subject to immediate citation.

car for sale

Coronado Municipal Code 56.30.250 reads “It is unlawful to park a vehicle on a street designated in paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of this section 56.30.250 when, because of a sign or placard on the vehicle, it appears that the primary purpose of parking the vehicle at that location is to display and advertise to the public that the vehicle is for sale….” Vehicles in violation of this section will be issued a citation and a notice listing the designated streets in the ordinance.

car for sale

Each parking citation issued to a vehicle in violation of this ordinance carries a $50 fine. Vehicles in violation can receive two citations per day if the car is not moved. In addition to a parking citation, cars for sale may be impounded if they are moved to another prohibited street, as long as the car has been cited for the same violation with the last 30 days but not within 24 hours of the first citation.

car for sale
car for sale
car for sale
car for sale
car for sale
car for sale
car for sale